Ian On EVs

This article is the main page of the site; click "Continue reading" to get to it. In a decade or so we won’t call them "electric cars", we’ll just call them "cars". The modifier will drop away, just as dropping the "horseless" part of "horseless carriages" left only "carriages", which we shortened to "cars". List of all EVs available in Canada, with C$ pricing, from PlugNDrive.ca. September is the time of National Drive Electric Week, and our nearest event for 2023 was in Waterloo via WREVA, and will be again in the fall of 2024.

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Battery EVs run on pure electricity, unlike hybrids which use a mix of gasoline and electricity. Batteries need recharging, so here’s a look at the various charging standards and how they work. Don’t be put off by the variety of levels and plugs; the bottom line is that almost any EV you buy in North American can be charged almost anywhere! Getting a Charge You can find charging stations using your car’s inbuilt charging app if it has one and/or by visiting plugshare.

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While showing off my Tesla Model 3 at a car show last week, somebody told me that they’d been told that EVs were passe, that hydrogen was the up-and-coming power source. I just laughed, and explained several reasons that hydrogen’s a non-starter. Two obvious ones include the lack of distribution, and the fact that it takes as much energy to split the water into hydrogen as you get back when you re-combine them.

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I’ve been saying for most of a decade that EVs are both cheaper and more efficient than their gasoline- or diesel-smoking companions. I’ve posted several articles confirming this over the years. Here is the latest one from early 2024, Electric vehicles use half the energy of gas powered vehicles. This article from Yale University - to nobody’s great surprise - still says the same thing. EVs are just plain better.

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I love my Model 3. I really do. But just as you can love someone while wishing they’d change certain habits or style, there are a few things I don’t like about my car. One or two of these may be "things I have missed", but most are verified problems. The list is organized into these sections: Recently Fixed General Issues Spousal Test Failures (formerly known as "the wife test"; things my non-techie spouse dislikes)

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Why should car drivers have all the fun? There are now scads of all-electric motorcycles available (or in preview for near-term release) and some of them are listed here. This chart focusses primarily on the US market. Excluded are all electric bicycles ("e-bikes") as that segment of the market has way too many players for me to even try to keep up. Also excluded are most mopeds/scooters, except at the high end.

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Science tells us with certainty that dinosaurs and humans did not walk the earth at the same time, nor within 4,000 years of each other. And yet, ye have heard the dinosaurs roar! Certain walking-dead, or should I say rolling dead-creations, that is. The throaty roar from their over-powered engines and their undersized mufflers, racing around town showering the world with testosterone-induced showoffishness, and carcinogens and sooty toxins that damage and kill people.

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Ian Darwin: Ian On EVs

EVangelist; Tesla owner; Computer Geek; Photographer; Dad.

